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Gregory Hecht

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Everything posted by Gregory Hecht

  1. Hi Richard -- This is much more of a ComicBase issue than an Atomic Avenue issue, so I suggest that you post over at the CB message boards. There is greater likelihood that somebody who can help you will see your post over there than here at the AA boards.
  2. Hi Derek -- This is much more of a ComicBase issue than an Atomic Avenue issue, so I suggest that you post over at the CB message boards. There is greater likelihood that somebody who can help you will see your post over there than here at the AA boards.
  3. Not exactly... looking at other sites, it seems that the 4th print has a cover price of $2.75 while the first three printings have a cover price of $2.50. If you have a copy of the 4th print, you can forward a scan to ComicBase. BTW, your comment is less about Atomic Avenue than it is about the content of the ComicBase master database (which is where Atomic Avenue gets its issue content information, including cover scans). These types of questions are better addressed over at the ComicBase forums where people like @Mark J. Castaneda are more likely to see it.
  4. Can you clarify your question? Are you talking about a book that isn't in the master database?
  5. On my "My Store" page, I can click on my store title. In my case, however, I have not put in a graphic. So if you can't click on your graphic, then I am guessing that is why I am able to browse my own store and you cannot.
  6. Based on the URL in your screenshot, that is the page that comes up when you click on the "Custom Items" button. I wouldn't be concerned about that b/c selling Custom Items on AA hasn't been completely set up yet. What happens when you go to atomicavenue.com --> My Account pulldown, select "My Store" --> click on the name of your store ?
  7. I think "Custom Items" is a new button, so that suggests to me that there has been some "under the hood" work going on with the Atomic Avenue storefronts. When I click on my storefront name, I have no trouble accessing my own store and browsing. What happens when you click on your storefront name?
  8. Hi Adrian — Is this an Atomic Avenue question or a ComicBase question? If the latter, this would be better addressed over on the CB msg boards. Probably the easiest thing to do would be to do a search for items that have more than, say, 10 copies in stock. That should allow you to find the erroneous database entry.
  9. Was looking at the Atomic Avenue listings for Amazing Spider-Man #666, and for Variation 111 through 143, the web page lists the items as #666 with no variation designation. Variations 1 through 110 are all displayed properly (e.g., "#666 Variation 1"). I am assuming that there is some obscure coding issue at work here. To see what I am describing, go to the Amazing Spider-Man page, click on the page "2" link, and scroll down. The problem also is manifest on the individual pages for the affected variants. See this page for #666 Variation 111 for example.
  10. Last I checked, the settings for Atomic Avenue essentially only allow US users the following combinations: • Sell to the US only • Sell internationally everywhere • Sell internationally everywhere except for the UK Speaking for myself, I elect to sell only to the US b/c I am less knowledgeable about international shipping options and rules. I assume that shipping from US to Canada isn't too difficult or complicated, so having an "opt-in" for selling to Canada might very get me to start doing that.
  11. That would only explain Mike's situation if he posted inventory, changed his For Sale checkboxes, then re-uploaded his inventory. I am interpreting his post to mean that he uploaded his inventory, initially saw 8100+ items successfully posted, and (presumably without re-uploading his inventory or selling the vast majority of his inventory) now only has a small number of items posted. Assuming that my interpretation is correct *and* that this isn't some kind of fluke, the only thing that I can think of is that he had a lot of items that changed media category. So (hypothetical example here) his issues of Who's Who might have been uploaded some time ago as comics originally and those listings were "lost" when Who's Who moved to Magazines during a content update of the master database. Or a whole bunch of variants got renamed with the introduction of the "Version" designation, and he never updated his inventory accordingly. It would be unusual for somebody to have a lot of inventory that got shifted around like that, but hypothetically it isn't impossible.
  12. Have you tried re-uploading your inventory to see if that solves the issue?
  13. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us are required to pay federal income tax. Even the National Taxpayers Union Foundation admits that under current law, payment of federal income tax is required. The IRS makes this pretty clear on their website as well and they cite relevant case law.
  14. In my experience, it seems like it counts 24 hours after the order was placed in the system by the buyer. When counting the 24 hours, I don't think that non-business days (i.e., Saturday and any days where the U.S. postal service's offices are not open) are included. So as I understand things, if a buyer places an order at 11pm on Friday, the seller has until 10:59pm the following Monday (assuming that it isn't a postal holiday such as Labor Day or Memorial Day) to ship the order to receive the "same day" points. But @Carolyn J. Bickford can give a more definitive answer, I am sure. (It would be nice for the Help pages on the AA site to include a clarification on this.)
  15. I agree. If you are available later today, you might consider bringing this up in the chat during today's ComicBase Livestream. Sounds like AA will be a topic today.
  16. "Recent Feedback" entries have a fairly short lifespan, I think that they disappear after only a month or so. The suggestion has been made on Human Computing's Slack that it would be beneficial for "Recent Feedback" entries to be visible for a much longer time.
  17. That answer presupposes that the seller's activity is such that it requires the seller to obtain such a permit etc. It is important for any seller to know the rules for their own state. For my state (New Jersey), Atomic Avenue clearly meets the definition of a Marketplace Facilitator and it is therefore Atomic Avenue's responsibility to register with the state and to pay any sales tax that is due to NJ. Remote sellers who sell to NJ customers only need to collect NJ sales tax if they meet certain thresholds, but this does not apply to marketplace sellers. The current NJ law "requires the marketplace facilitator to collect and remit Sales Tax on all marketplace transactions. The marketplace is required to collect and remit tax, regardless of whether the marketplace seller is above or below either of the economic thresholds." If I make a sale on AA to a customer outside of NJ, then no NJ sales tax is due (page 8 of this document: "Items that are normally taxable when sold and delivered to a New Jersey location are generally not subject to New Jersey Sales Tax when they are shipped to a destination outside this State."). So in my case, my understanding of the public NJ Division of Taxation documents is the following: (1) NJ sales tax only matters for my AA transactions if I sell to another NJ address, *and* (2) it is Atomic Avenue's responsibility to collect tax for those transactions and remit them to the state of NJ. Other states (and in some cases, even specific municipalities) will have their own rules, certainly. Find them, learn them, and proceed accordingly. Good rule of thumb: *always* report your income from all sources at tax time! 🙂
  18. Forgot to add: You don't have to use the ComicBase valuations when you post your comics for sale, you can set the price to be whatever you want for each individual comic. I find that it does help to look to see what other sellers at AA and other venues are asking for some items.
  19. It isn't just you. I have also experienced these same problems with the AA wishlist.
  20. The shipping calculator for AA could use a bit more transparency, I agree. I have been beating that drum for a while now (as have a few others), and my understanding is that AA is due for an "upgrade" at some undefined point in the near future. Hopefully one of the changes will be for the AA shipping calculator to tell the seller what shipping method it used to arrive at when making its calculation. Without knowing the particulars of your two orders, it is impossible to provide any kind of specific feedback re: what shipping method you should have used for your two orders in order to (at least) break even.
  21. I assume that you are in the US. Sales tax rules depend on the state in which you live and, in some cases, your local municipality. So it is impossible to answer your question without knowing your location. It might be worth visiting the website for your state's version of the IRS.
  22. Hi Richard! This is more of a ComicBase content problem rather than something specific to Atomic Avenue (titles and issues listed on AA are based on the ComicBase master database), so it makes more sense to post your comment over at the CB msg boards (specifically on the "Content and Corrections" forum). It has a greater chance of being seen and discussed over there by the folks who are in a position to make any necessary corrections to the ComicBase database.
  23. I suspect that this is a question about buying multiple different issues from the same seller and how to do that with a reasonably low number of clicks. Atomic Avenue is in need of an overhaul in several areas, and this is one area that should get some attention from the programming team IMO. (Other items that should be on the "to do" list include: better integration of magazines, books, and newspapers into store listings and in-store search results; more transparency to seller and buyer regarding shipping method that was used in determining shipping costs; including the years of publication for titles in the drop-down hits when typing into the search bar much like how this is handled in ComicBase; complete updating of Atomic Avenue's Help pages to reflect current AA policies and standards etc.)
  24. Whether a title falls into the Comic Book or Magazine media category depends on the contents of the publication, not on its physical construction. Marvel Previews and DC Connect do not actually contain comics (i.e., graphic sequential storytelling) and instead contain listings of comics that will be on sale in the future. Thus, these titles fall into the Magazine media category. Similarly, titles such as DC's Who's Who titles and Marvel's Official Index and Official Handbook titles have also been moved to Magazines (they contain encyclopedic descriptions of comics and comic characters, but don't contain graphic sequential storytelling). Other titles that have made the move to magazines include Amazing Heroes, Marvel Age, and DC Direct Currents. I leave it to @Peter R. Bickford and/or @Mark J. Castaneda to discuss what is up with the G.I. Joe series as I don't follow it and therefore don't know the in's and out's behind any changes there.
  25. It is a known issue that items from the Books and Magazines categories do not show up in sellers' store pages, they can only be found via a search. I know that this has been mentioned several times to @Peter R. Bickford (including in the weekly ComicBase Livestream chat) and it is my understanding that there are some Atomic Avenue updates that are in the works. Hopefully this means that the problem will be addressed soon.
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