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Data Breach?

Andrew d’Entremont

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  • 10 months later...

now that sellers have to give out their SSN's, a data breach would be very very bad.  This is just one reason why I am against having to give my SSN out to get paid.  Once again, Uncle Sam is way too greedy.  But if a data breach were to happen and someone was to get a hold of my SSN, I afraid it won't be pretty for all parties involved.

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We have had NO data breaches on our system, and we are fanatical about our server security. We did not receive any information from the user above showing the source of the information he received.

We are collecting the tax IDs via Atomic Avenue with an SSL secured connection -- and when you enter it by clicking on the Social Security or Tax ID link in the banner, it goes into a database where it is double encrypted.

If we don't get a tax ID from a relevant seller, the IRS demands we withhold 28%, which we are extremely unwilling to do -- your disbursements reported by us are 100% redundantly reported within the 1099-K Paypal already provides.

At this point so many entities require you to provide your tax ID for frankly redundant information, perhaps the IRS ought to step up its own game in protecting your information. You may contact the IRS and ask them to provide an alternate tax ID to you which you can use on sites that are required to report your 1099-K, and which their computers will then match to your main tax ID. 


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