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Buyers cancelling an order or just an item.

Richard Hobold

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Per the Buying Comics help guide.

You may cancel an order, or items off of an order yourself, any time before it ships, and receive a refund. To do so, log in to Atomic Avenue, and click on the order number. In the order window, click the Cancel Order button. (To cancel only certain comics, mark the checkbox next to each you want to cancel, and then click the Cancel Selected Issues button.)


I have had two different customer that wanted to change their order before I shipped them but they could not do what the help says. So they e-mailed support and you had them e-mail me to do the cancelling.

That gave me negative points since I did the cancelling. If buyer can cancel, maybe a step by step with pictures will help them. If the cancelling is only before submitting the order, then you need to update the Help and try to get that function in the future.

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Hi Richard --

My experience has been that if a buyer requests an item or order cancellation for reasons beyond the seller's control*, you can email AA support, provide them with copies of the email communication for the order, and they will manually adjust your score so that you are not getting negative points for the situation.  (If I am incorrect on this, I am sure that @Carolyn J. Bickford can chime in and set the record straight.)  


*situations where an item was incorrectly graded or not available in the seller's inventory would of course be things considered to be under the seller's control

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Buyers can only cancel an order after the Processing period closes, so it is in your best interest as a seller to ship an order as quickly as possible in order to prevent capricious cancellations. Buyers can also cancel regraded items as soon as they are regraded. Before that, buyers will need to email a seller if they want an items cancelled off the order or the order cancelled altogether. If this is the buyer's decision, sellers should cancel the items or the order at the buyer's request. Sellers can forward the buyer's cancellation request and note that they have completed the cancellation to support@atomicavenue.com and Atomic Avenue can mark the order as non-scoring. Sellers won't get penalized for the cancellations, but they also won't get credit for having shipped any remaining items on time. If you don't ship before the processing period closes, and the buyer cancels before you ship it, it will count against your seller performance score.

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I am assuming that "Processing period closes" is the two business days we have to ship. If this is correct, we have to lose points for timely shipping for a buyer to update an order. A seller gets cancellation points because the seller is a cancelling because the buyer cannot and then the seller has to prove our actions are correct to get the cancellation points removed. A buyer like the Buyer Guide states should be able to cancel on their own orders at any time prior to shipping for any reason. A buyer cancelling should not count against a seller since the seller is not cancelling specially since they can rate us and get us banded that way if a seller is a bad actor.

It would be fair to actually allow the buyer to control their actions and not put it on the seller.


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9 minutes ago, Richard Hobold said:

A buyer cancelling should not count against a seller since the seller is not cancelling specially since they can rate us and get us banded that way if a seller is a bad actor.

But this shouldn't be too big of a concern if you ship within the two business day window since as Carolyn states (emphasis mine):

On 8/25/2021 at 11:08 AM, Carolyn J. Bickford said:

 If this is the buyer's decision, sellers should cancel the items or the order at the buyer's request. Sellers can forward the buyer's cancellation request and note that they have completed the cancellation to support@atomicavenue.com and Atomic Avenue can mark the order as non-scoring. Sellers won't get penalized for the cancellations, but they also won't get credit for having shipped any remaining items on time. 

If the transaction was cancelled at the buyer's request and you have documented that with AA as described above, then you should also be able to discuss with AA support any negative feedback posted by the buyer regarding that particular attempted transaction.  If the whole order was cancelled, I would assume AA would be able to negate any feedback regarding that order.  

Yes, it is a little awkward, but my experience has been that this kind of situation is not very common.  Cancellations that are caused wholly by the buyer (i.e., NOT precipitated by the seller misgrading an item or listing an out-of-stock item for sale) are a rare occurrence.  

The bigger issue from the seller's POV is if you ship an order after the two business day window.  But AA's rules for sellers indicate that you are required to ship within two business days anyway, so if you are following the AA rules, then orders cancelled after that window shouldn't be a concern.  

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  • 9 months later...

I received an order around 12 p.m. on a Saturday.  The post office closed at 1 p.m.  They were closed Sunday and then Monday for Juneteenth.  I was about to mail an order out the following morning when I got a cancellation from the buyer.  Now I have 3 demerits on my record.  If I have 2 business days to mail an order out, any idea why I got the demerits?  I don't think this is fair as the buyer was a bit impatient during the days the post office was closed, out of my control.

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Michael -- we have already responded to you directly via email and phone. We understand the situation and have offered to make the order non-scoring, but you need to send us that request via email together with the order number and reason. You have no demerits on your account. Demerits are given to sellers and buyers for system violations and are visible on your storefront. You may be confused by negative points for a late order in your Seller Performance Score, which is only visible to you and the administrators, and which is used to suspend under-performing sellers from Atomic Avenue. Your Seller Performance is excellent, and should not be a concern.

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