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When is a suspended order considered shipped?

Thomas Wolak

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I recently had an order for 6 books. On pulling one of them I decided to down-grade the book and the order became suspended. I know that the buyer now has to do something to 'release' the order but I was wondering if this will ding my perfect shipment record because I can't mark any part of the order as shipped until the buyer does something. When does the 24-hr clock start? When it's ordered or when the buyer either accepts or cancels a revised item?

Edited by Thomas Wolak
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  • 1 month later...

There are only two options here: (1) The buyer accepts/cancels the item, or (2) The seller has to cancel the item. Any cancellation will indeed impact your record, but only mildly provided the vast majority of your other orders went out without a problem. Worth noting that there's a double-ding if the suspension hangs out there for a long time, since it'll be late as well, so reach out to the customer and let them know that the issue needs a resolution, and you'll have to cancel the item off the order if they don't respond.

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I was dinged 35 points due to late shipping on 7 items. So your saying if I  cancelled, I would have been dinged 70 points and I should just be happy? I went from 100% perfect to 95.4% good! I have email correspondence from someone in AA that stated:

"If you have not heard from the buyer by tomorrow, we recommend cancelling the order. You can send us an email in response to this, and let us know you had to do so, and specifically request that the order be marked as non-scoring.(which I did -tjw) We will mark the order as non-scoring, which means you will not be penalized for late shipment/late cancellation, though you will also not get credit for the order itself."

I think your suspended/cancellation policy needs to be tweaked.


PS I'd like my score restored to 100%

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  • 4 weeks later...

About 80% of regraded books are cancelled by the buyer. Since buyers are disappointed in receiving a book not in the condition they originally ordered it in, we allow only buyers to decide on whether to accept or cancel a book once it has been regraded. On their order page, they need to click either the Accept or Cancel button next to the regraded book in order to unsuspend the order. If the buyer has not responded to the instructions from Atomic Avenue, and you have also contacted the buyer by email and phone, and there is still no response, remove the book from the order and ship the rest promptly. Odds are the buyer would not have wanted the regraded book, and it's not wise to hold off on shipping the rest of the order waiting for an unresponsive or indecisive buyer. If you believe the buyer would accept the book in its new grade, do make every effort to reach the buyer via email and phone to get a response in a timely manner.

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