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New Atomic Avenue features November 2022

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You can now search Atomic Avenue for issues by the cover artist. To search by cover artist, click on the Find button next to the search bar and select Cover Artist. Enter the name of the cover artist and you will see available issues with covers by that artist. To include unavailable items, uncheck the Show Only Items in Stock checkbox in the upper right hand side.

Sellers can now regrade or cancel items ordered in multiples greater than one. For instance, if the buyer has purchased 2 copies of an issue, but the seller discovers one is not available, the seller can cancel one and ship the other. Similarly if one item is overgraded, the seller can regrade it without affecting the other copies the buyer has purchased.

US sellers will now see information regarding the shipping cost calculation for USPS shipping on orders wherein the buyer is paying for shipping. Most importantly, this notes whether USPS flat-rate shipping offers the most economical First/Priority option and how many packages the order should be shipped in if flat-rate shipping is used. 

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