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Easy Ways to Remove Sold Inventory Before Posting

Carolyn J. Bickford

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It is important to make sure any items sold on Atomic Avenue have been removed from your ComicBase inventory before you post inventory to Atomic Avenue for sale. ComicBase provides several ways to do so provided you know where these settings are.

Most sellers use Sidekick to mange updates and posting to Atomic Avenue. If you are using Sidekick to automatically post your updated inventory to Atomic Avenue, go to the Checking Sales and Purchases setting in Sidekick and check Automatically deduct sold items and add purchased items to database.457895800_SidekickSellingSettings(Dark).thumb.png.6afa245a5c4f7ec51443304058e85ad5.png

If you are not using Sidekick, you can set your ComicBase Preferences to check for new sales and purchases each time the program is launched. You will need to exit ComicBase in order to have it relaunch.


If you are not using Sidekick and you want to leave ComicBase active all the time, you can manually remove sold inventory by going to Internet...Selling and running the check for sales command. As this is not automated, you plan on running the command at a regular time each day or after marking an order as shipped.


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