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qty 2 of same book customers buys both so cart is 2 but have only 1 to ship how to cancel only one book

Richard Stapp

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  • Richard Stapp changed the title to qty 2 of same book customers buys both so cart is 2 but have only 1 to ship how to cancel only one book
  • 5 weeks later...

Atomic Avenue does not support changing the quantity of items sold. Besides cancelling all items because you can't fulfil the quantity, there are some (less than ideal) work-arounds.

You can use the regrade feature to change the value of the items. For instance, if the order is for 2 items priced at $5 each, you can use the regrade feature to change the price to $2.50, so the buyer is still paying $5 although he is only getting one book. This requires communication with the buyer so that the buyer understands and will accept the regrade in a timely manner.

If there are more items on the order and one matches the price of the missing item, you can cancel it, and let the buyer know the cancellation is for the value of the missing item in the multiple items charged list, rather than a cancellation of said item.

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  • 2 months later...

Don -- you were the first to try this feature and report an error. Good news, it is fixed now!

Sellers can now refund single items from a multiple item order. For instance, if a buyer bought 3 copies of an issue and you only have two, you can cancel the missing issue off the order.

To do so check the box next to the line with the multiple items and click the Cancel Items... button at the bottom of the page.

In the window that appears, if there were multiple issues on the line, you have the option to specify the number of items to cancel. 

Click OK and Atomic Avenue will issue a refund for the missing item(s) and the order page will change to reflect the corrected number of items you are shipping.

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