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    Ranks and Seller Performance Scores

    Atomic Avenue has multiple ways to rate sellers and their suitability for selling on Atomic Avenue: ranks, demerits, and seller performance scores. The first two are visible to buyers; seller performance scores are only visible to the sellers and site administrators.


    Sellers receive a rating in Atomic Avenue based on the number of sales they’ve had and how well they’ve been rated in those transactions. Buyers will rate sellers on a scale of 1 to 5 for each order, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the best. A rating of 5 gets you 2 points, a rating of 4 or 3 gets you one point, a rating of 2 gets you zero points, and a 1 rating gets you -1 points. If you achieve a score below 0, you are banned from selling on Atomic Avenue. Let’s face it: we all encounter unreasonable people from time to time, but if the first three people you deal with are left miserable, selling online isn’t for you. Or us.

    All sellers are shown with a rank based on their accumulated ratings. This rank appears next to the User ID of each seller with each of their listings. All sellers begin with a ranking of Airman, and advance their rank by their rating points.




    0–9 Points

    Senior Airman

    Senior Airman

    10–49 Points

    Flight Lieutenant

    Flight Lieutenant

    50–99 Points

    Squadron Leader

    Squadron Leader

    100–249 Points

    Wing Commander

    Wing Commander

    250–999 Points

    Group Captain

    Group Captain

    1,000–2,499 Points

    Air Marshall

    Air Marshall

    Over 2,500 Points



    The administrator may issue a demerit for a violation of seller rules, such as egregiously-overdue orders or invalid contact information. Anyone with 2 or more demerits is banned.

    Seller Performance

    Sellers can see and review their seller performance scores in their Profile. Sellers who have inadequate seller performance scores, such as a too-low fulfilment rate or late shipping will be contacted by the administrator and placed under probation. If the seller does not improve their performance within two months, the seller is banned from selling on Atomic Avenue. Top sellers may enjoy extra perks and advantages to help promote their store on Atomic Avenue.


    seller performance.png

    Next: For Sellers: Shipping Comics

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