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  • Returns and Refunds on Orders Which Have Been Shipped

    Atomic Avenue Support

    Sellers are responsible for refunds and returns after an order has been marked as shipped. If you have a problem with an order after it has been shipped, contact the seller directly. You will find the seller's contact information on the order page. To see the order page for an order, log in to Atomic Avenue, go to My Account > Recent Activity. Most buyers prefer to contact a seller via email, which also conveniently provides a record of the issue and resolution. If the seller is unresponsive, please call the seller at the phone number on the order page, as email can all too often get misfiled or lost. Do allow the seller 24 hours to respond. If you have not received a response from the seller after 48 hours, or the email is returned to you, or the phone number is incorrect, contact Atomic Avenue at support@atomicavenue.com.

    Sellers set their own refund and return policies, and many post their policies in the Personal Notes section of their profile. We encourage sellers to be open and reasonable in their refund and return policies. It's best to be accommodating with a buyer who is unhappy with their purchase. If the seller and the buyer cannot agree on a resolution, Atomic Avenue requires the buyer to return the order to the seller. When returning an order to the seller, be sure to package the comic securely and use a form of tracking so you have proof of the return. The buyer is responsible for the cost of shipping the comic back to the seller, unless the seller's policies state otherwise.

    As for buyers, it is a drag to not get what you expected, or not to get it at all. We encourage you to leave accurate feedback about your transactions, so other buyers will know what to expect.

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